
Sustainable Agriculture

Organic Ecological Farming in a Circular Economy

Energy Potential

We develop customized resource recovery solutions for our partners in the Animal Husbandry business.

Net Zero

Methane (CH4) is the second most abundant GHG at 20% of global emissions. It is 25x as potent as CO2.

Custom Installations

CH4 Renewables deploys distributed infrastructure systems to maximize environmental impact & financial savings.

The traditional, hierarchical organization of power will give way to lateral power organized nodally across society.

Jeremy Rifkin on Lateral Power

About Us

Legacy solutions to qualifying clients.

We Design, Build, Operate and Transfer customized, on-site, infrastructure systems that maximize the intrinsic Bioenergy potential of Cattle Farms.

A deep approach & a comprehensive adoption of cutting-edge Hard-Tech and Soft-Tech systems. And Rapid Mobilization.

By deploying a myriad of advanced energy solutions, we are able to integrate our infrastructure with the existing status quo at each installation site.

Oue Services

Solutions & Focus Areas

CH4 Renewables specializes in B2B production and delivery of steam, clean natural gas & power.

Biomethane Plants

Turnkey decentralized anaerobic digestors & purifiers, designed for flexibility across a broad range of bioenergy streams

Fuel Cells

Convert your biogas or natural gas into electricity without combustion. Personalized to deliver reliability and resiliency

Solar & Storage

Empowering our Clients to take charge of their energy with Solar, coupled with Advanced Energy Storage for 24/7 power security


CH4 Renewables connects our installations to the existing on-premise heat, gas, electricity and infrastructure networks

Build A Green Image Today

"In a very broad-brush approach, the products from ruminant animals – sheep, cows and their relatives, animals with four stomachs – they tend to have greater greenhouse gas effects. Part of that is because digestion by ruminants produces a lot of methane."

Sir Charles Godfray

"We have this challenge of being able to feed about 10 billion people a diet that’s both healthy and sustainable by 2050. In the end, we found it is possible – but just barely possible."

EAT-Lancet Commission

"From a health standpoint, there probably isn’t very much difference between a [plant-based] burger and a regular beef burger because there’s a lot of saturated fat and more salt."

Prof. Walter Willett, Harvard University

    Tailored Regenerative Infrastructure

    System sizing is key in identifying the right methods, techniques and technologies that best fit your Cattle Farm.


    Resource Optimization

    Proprietary optimization algorithms and smart controllers make second-by-second decisions to deliver the energy resource, where & when it is needed.

    Natural Gas

    Clean & Renewable

    Sell excess renewable natural gas. Feed or haul it to the energy markets. Supplement your secondary revenue streams with additional income.


    Net Energy Metering

    CH4 Renewables makes necessary connections and files interconnectivity permits for you to feed excess energy to the utility grid.

    Qualify for a preliminary site visit now.

    A complimentary surveillance report of our initial findings is the best way to establish mutual alignments and fit.

    No Upfront Cost Solutions

    Explore new revenue streams, cost savings, advanced pasture management, efficient land use, higher yields and a healthier ecology. Our Client Success Team is dedicated to understanding your needs, understanding your existing third party commitments, and discussing our role in your future growth.

    United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

    The CH4 Renewables Company deploys economic infrastructure which promote organic ecological farming in a circular economy.

    The CH4 Renewables Company is portfolio company of Spearhead L.P. 

    Spearhead L.P. is a Private Investment House specializing in the financing, development & operation of high-quality, long-life, Real Assets.

    The CH4 Renewables Company

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